
三つ子のパラドックス2 triplets' paradox 2 , deterministic Special relativity

http://akimpotos.blogspot.jp/2013/02/2-triplets-paradox-3.html以前 三つ子のパラドックス http://akimpotos.blogspot.jp/2012/03/blog-post.html で時間遅れはエネルギーの与えられていた物に発生するのでは? などと書いていましたがこれの意味をもう少し考えてみます。

If a time lag occurs in the thing in which energy was given in triplets' paradox http://akimpotos.blogspot.jp/2012/03/blog-post.html?
I further consider the meaning of this.


With twins' paradox
When only two spacecrafts (referred to as A and B) exist, to which does a time lag happen?


When there are only two spacecrafts , which becomes completely symmetrical.


The spacecraft A flies.
It is the spacecraft A that energy was given.
Therefore, in the spacecraft A, a time lag arises to the spacecraft B.
However, it is because the spacecraft A and the spacecraft B start and separate from the state of rest.
For example, when as follows, how is it?


unknown spacecraft A and B are passing each other .
How about  in this case?


In this case it is likely to be determined where spacecraft  passed a fixed point of the system consisting of the two spacecraft.
So that each time delay can be calculated.velocity of A and B is determined from this fixed point.


In the paradox of triplets fixed point of this system is the earth,
So, the time delay will be occurs only on the spacecraft away from the fixed point.


 in the twin paradox, the fixed point is located on the B and A.


This idea can be explained without contradiction as well, such as the following paradox.

Observing the A from B.
Time and space conversion is as follows.

We got the time and distance in the stern of the A.
It is the case that passengers do not move from the stern of the A.

In the stern of A, the only time advance will occur.
So, it means that I can compare the time.

(時間、空間は簡単のため1秒としてあります。 なので時間は光速のC、距離は速度となります。赤線がローレンツ変換で、その変換結果が現れる双対軸は青)

(there is the time and space as one second to simplify it.) So C is the velocity of light, the distance become the velocity time. A red line is Lorentz transformation. ) blue in the axis where the conversion result appears
結果は、Aでは時間はC/γ となりAの時間はBより遅れます。

The result is C/γ in A. The time of A is delayed from B.


However, it is the relations that are symmetric when We watch B from A. So it becomes the paradox.


Well, how about the following case?


Bは逆噴射して 速度0(地球と同じ)になる
B retro-fires and becomes velocity 0


Because B retro-fired ( changed energy into velocity ), in B, is time delayed from A?


When A,B does Lorentz transformation separately obediently from fixed point K, a case without contradiction is provided really.


Because the fixed point has two time when I watch a fixed point from each spaceship, it may become the contradiction. (in fact, as for the special theory of relativity that I do not think of carefully, a head really gets very tangled about this.)


The time of all moving objects is delayed for a fixed point.

ところで宇宙船からは定点はどのように見えるかというと、これは定点の時間(Ct :t=1)、空間(定点なので 0)を変換(問い合わせてみること)すればよく時間はCγ(定点が進む)、距離は -uγ(遠ざかる) となります。

By the way, how may you see fixed point K from a spaceship?
You should convert time and space of fixed point K.
It becomes Cγ .
So  time of fixed point K  advances.
The distance becomes -uγ.
So fixed point K goes away from a spaceship.

Furthermore, We start from fixed point K. And  calculate how We can see spaceship A,B each other.
A moves from a fixed point in (C, u).
A refers to B.
B refers to A.

計算は簡単で、 AはBからγb(C-uv/C , -v+u)、BはAからγa(C-uv/C ,- u+v) と見えていることになります。

The calculation is easy.
We see A with γb(C-uv/C, -v+u) from B and  B with γa(C-uv/C, - u+v) from A.

※ 宇宙船 A からBを観測した場合     observe B from spaceship A

時間項の比は、 Bの速度 v >=  Aの速度 u とした場合 γb >= γa となるので分母をAとしたい場合はその比 γa/γb <= 1  (つまりBはAに比し時間が遅い)とします。

We assume  v >= u.
The ratio of the time becomes γb >=γa.
When We assume a denominator A, it becomes the ratio γa/γb <= 1 .
in other words, in B, time is late in comparison with A.
Thus We can calculate a progress delay of the time.

速度は (-v+u) / (C-uv/C) となり合成速度が出ています。

The velocity becomes (-v+u) / (C-uv/C).
So We can calculate composition of velocity.


By the way, this becomes nothing but that We calculate composition of velocity after all.


The present feeling is  O MY GOD. (disappointed a little.)
Oh, take heart.


By the way, how should I have inspected whether I was really OK?
Will not there be the method to know the K-point by some kind of methods?
How about the method both spaceships give a beacon, and to observe it?

比 γa/γb または比 γb/γa  および互いの宇宙船までの距離が計測できるものと仮定します。

We will check whether We can really calculate first of all.
We suppose that We can measure ratio γa/γb (or ratio γb/γa) and the distance to each other's spaceships.

 検算    ※全ての^1/2 は+の絶対値

Checking   * All ^1/2 is absolute value of +


In the case of approximately twin paradox.  However, this is asymmetry

完全な双子のパラドックス?      Completely symmetric twin paradox?


We can determine fixed point K freely, too after all.
So it is expected that We should go to the spot if We want to experience a certain spot.
So is it to say that there is no mysterious thing after all?


It is nothing but the relations of three points to derive composition of velocity after all.

値は適当に入れています。  固有時間の値の大きさの関係に矛盾はありません。

This diagram is the reference that expressed relations of the proper time of three points.
The value can come properly.
Relations of  the value of the proper time do not include the contradiction.

I made the diagram when other fixed points existed.

direction -velocity diagram


It is equivalent that "a spaceship is separated from a fixed point" with "a spaceship going to the fixed point".
So the arrow goes outward.
So attention is necessary because a certain habit appears to interpret it.

なので、全体の時間の遅れは「V0による時間の遅れ」 と 「u1による時間の遅れ」の合計 ではない。  なので矛盾は無いと思います。

 About a time delay by v1, the delay of the time by V0 and u1 occurs at the same time.
So the delay of the overall time is not the total of "a delay of the time by V0" and "the delay of the time by u1".
So I think that there is not the contradiction.

これは、単なる合成速度を計算すればよいので、いちいち計算するまでも無く 、tu1=sqrt(1- v1^2/C^2) となります。

I confirm "proper time" of u1 just to make sure.
I express a delay of the time with quantity of preservation of the Lorentz transformation at "peculiar time".
So I calculate "proper time" of x-axis and the y-axis in local coordinate systems in L space of u1.
Because you should calculate simple synthetic velocity,  there is not it, and this becomes tu1=sqrt(1- v1^2/C^2) even if I calculate one by one.
The composition of velocity to calculate are u1 and u2. Just to make sure.

一方、v1の「固有時間」も tv1=sqrt(1- v1^2/C^2) です。


On the other hand, it is tv1=sqrt(1- v1^2/C^2) at "proper time" of v1.

In other words a delay of the time of the terminal of u1 and the delay of the time of the terminal of v1 are to be the same.
The terminal of u1 and v1 is spaceship A.

y軸上の「固有時間」は voy-u1y=0 なので結果 0です。

Because "proper time" on the y-axis is voy-u1y=0, it is result 0.
In other words I am to consider only  "proper time" on the x-axis.

It is easy to understand that these relations consider a more extreme case.

I settle the above-mentioned thing first of all.

1. 合成速度の関係を使ってもなお双子のパラドックスと同じパラドックスが発生する。

1. Paradox same as twin paradox still occurs even if I use the relations of the synthetic speed.
    You may observe it again from other points even if you observe it from a certain point.
    And an answer without the contradiction is provided in each.

2. 定点は時間遅れを比較するための基点となりうる。

2. The fixed point can become a basic point to compare the delay at time.


1. まず、力学と時間は別のことだろう。


The rational interpretation to understand this will be the following thing.

1. At first, as for the time, It will be different from the mechanics.
In fact, even relative observation is established with motion of object and being concerned with energy preservation, so-called mechanics. Even the special theory of relativity is the same thing.
For example, I can untie it in the same way even if I do it in a spaceship flying an experiment of the elastic collision even if it is the earth. Or it is the same thing even if I test it in different spaceships.

参考   Reference  http://akimpotos.blogspot.jp/2012_02_01_archive.html


2. For example, when cosmic rays collide with the earth, the time of cosmic rays is delayed dynamically and advances for a longer time.
This is because otherwise consistency does not match energetically by the relative observation from the earth.
In addition, I say that the special theory of relativity may use the value that I observed.
However, it is slightly fancy expression, but it is said that a dwarf lives on the particle of cosmic rays.
Will not how to get age of this dwarf obey the law that is different from the observation of the mechanics?
Because the dwarf lives on cosmic rays since before was observed from the earth; :-)

3. 時間遅れの関係は下のzを定める必要があります。

3. It is necessary for the relations of the delay of the time to determine z.
If there is fixed point K on spaceship B, the delay of the time will occur only on spaceship A.
Does this obey the special theory of relativity again, too?
このu1,u2が判る一番簡単な例は宇宙船A,Bが交差した地点で、その地点に何か目印を置くことができればわかるでしょう。 車とちがい宇宙には地面が無いので宇宙船が交差する前には速度u1,u2は測れません。

I will understand the simplest example understanding this u1,u2 if I can put an anything mark at the spot at the spot where spaceship A,B intersected. Speed u1,u2 cannot be measured before a spaceship intersects because there is not the ground unlike a car in the space.

地球(B)から宇宙船Aが出発するということは u1=0,z=0 で交差したということと等価です。

It is equivalent with having intersected in u1=0,z=0 that spaceship A leaves earth (B).

4. 力学はもともと相対的かつ強い対称性があります。

4. Originally the mechanics has a relative and strong symmetry.
When I watch it from a point carrying out a relative activity, the amount of energy of the moving body changes easily.

E=m*(V+B)^2/2   B is relative velocity


On the other hand, the special theory of relativity is conversion of the time and space.
Confusion will rise rather than relativity more when I put these two together.


Therefore I gave up being troubled. I decide to recognize the thing which the special theory of relativity shows unconditionally.


In other words I think that there is really the case which it can apply even that I think that I contradict it to.

 "Time" to apply to the mechanics

This is completely relative and symmetric relations.

However, there cannot be the thing used as an elapsed time.

This is totally like the stopwatch.

これは経過時間として使われる時間です。 これはまるで普通の時計のようです。
This is time spent as an elapsed time.    This is totally like the clock.


By the way, will we be to have two kinds of "time" ?


It is a riddle again?
Is the special theory of relativity that a special relative riddle generation theory actually says?
I just heard the sound that somehow some nerve was cut. :-o


My answers to this riddle are as follows.
This is totally Cubism.
Front, side, top surface, lower part, side, length, all the slants are expressed on a plane in Cubism.
Lorentz transformation contains relations of two kinds of time and space in the special theory of relativity.
But will two kinds of time and space really exist?
I will answer as follows.
"Only God knows it"
But I think that it is interesting if two kinds of time and space exists.
It may be only distinction of how to use Lorentz transformation after all.


After all this trick seems to be distinction of how to use Lorentz transformation when I think calmly.


To be continued

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